#CSpect V2.16.2 changes
Minor update for SNASM V3.1.1 - I didn't realise it was so out of date.
- Fixed bug where it didn’t report undefined symbols
- Added SNA export back in (48k and 128k)
- Fixed a bug with Macro usage in the first ASM file
- Fixed 6502 assembling – and PRG export
- Added “SET” back in for 6502 (can also use DEF)
- Put in an error when defining a label called “Filesize”
- Added 45GS02 CPU core for mega65 (opt 45gs02)
- Added “ADCQ”, “ANDQ”, “ASLQ”.
- Added CLD after all 32Bit instructions as “work around” for HW bug
- Fixed “INC A” and “DEC A” instructions
- Fixed a crash trying to read a file from a non-existant directory
#CSpect V2.16.0 changes
Lots of fixes and a few new additions. Improved the new divMMC autopaging for directly loaded NEX files. Added the -mouse option to try and help MAC users a little, and also fixed up the copper when large DMA blocks were running. A nice new feature is being able to visualise both copper and Raster IRQ splits using CTRL+ALT+S (via the copper plugin). Even for non-devs, this is a funky little tool to show just how complex things can get!
- Added directory functions to RST$08 plugin
- Fixed screen rendering time a little.
- on .NEX load, regs $B8-$BB are set to $82,$00,$00,$F0 - same as the OS.
- Added reg $0A = bit 2, to be able to disable DivMMC auto mapping
- Fixed crash when typing "BR
: " in debugger - Added a "-mouse" command line option. This will disable the "grabbing" of the mouse.
- When specifying an SD card image, you no longer have to specify -zxnext and -nextrom on the command line as well
- Fixed Copper when the DMA is running and blocking CPU, now counts DMA "TStates" instead of CPU ones
- .NEX files will automatically disable DivMMC PC address memory mapping
- Added -divmap command line, so you can force memory mapping of the DIVMMC "on" when directly loading a .NEX file
- Fixed a raster interrupt issue
- Added -copwait command line so you can easily visualise where the copper splits are
- Added -irqwait command line so you can easily visualise where the raster irq splits are
- You can now toggle the copper and irq visualiser with CTRL+ALT+S via the copper disassembler plugin
- You can now "set" command line globals via the Plugin interface