#CSpect V2.15.2 changes
Updated so that the very latest OS now works by adding new Next Registers $B8-$BB, along with a few updates, changes and fixes.
Also please note, if you take over the "whole" machine to haved a full RAM machine, you will now need to set registers $B8-$BB to be able to jump to address $0000, or the DivMMC may well page in.
- DeZogPlugin added to main distro so it remains upto date.
- Added stackless NMI support
- Reset register $02 added
- Added NextRegs $B8 to $BB for DivMMC direct paging control
- Current ROM and DivMMC registers added to rewind history
- F6 now cycles through turbo speed settings
- F5 Now takes a screen shot (was on CTRL+F3)
- Fixed a rendering glitch when estimates for the right HBlank timing are "missed" and the line isn't drawn.
- -log_cpu removed. Rewind probably replaces the need for this.
- Updated RST$08 read/write to return values in BC,HL and DE as described in NextZXOS
- Layer 2 banks can now be in the full 2Mb (regs $12 and $13)
- Parallax demo updated to work with new $B8-$BA registers