Saturday, September 14, 2019

#CSpect V2.11.1

This update is to add in (most) of the new hardware/registers that the latest Spectrum Next firmware has added - along with the new OS which uses some of it. There are some amazing advancements in this firmware. 14Mhz CPU speed all the time, 28Mhz copper and 14Mhz DMA, along with things like smooth scrolling the ULA screen. Brilliant update from the Next team.

#CSpect V2.11.1 changes
  • Fixed extra pixel in wrapping scroll of ULA
  • Fixed label on/off
  • Fixed lowres vertex clip "smear"

#CSpect V2.11.0 changes
  • Fixed -tv command line, and made it actually switch off all shader usage
  • if bit 6 in attrib 3 is not set, #CSpect now properly ignores attribute 4
  • Copper now runs at 28Mhz
  • The CPU no longers slows down over the screen
  • ULA can now scroll in 1/2 pixels
  • ULA Shadow screen now works with Layer 2
  • Reg 0x69 added (Layer 2 enable, ULA shadow mirror, and port bits 0-5 goto port 0xFF)
  • Copper Reg 0x63 added
  • DMA is now always 14Mhz...
  • 4 bit lowres mode added (reg 0x6A)
  • Added $123b Read mode
  • Added $123b 48K mapping mode
  • Reg 7 is now R/W, and bits 4/5 now set correctly
  • Window regsiters are now R/W