Sunday, November 22, 2020

#CSpect V2.13.00

#CSpect V2.13.00 changes

Note: I am aware most virus scanners are rejecting this. Apparently it's because I open files in "shared" read/write mode. This is so that SD cards can still be written to while the emulator is running. You'll need to add an exception if you wish to use it.

This is a special 'experimental' release so that everyone can try out the new "rewind" feature in the debugger. Specifying -rewind on the command line, or typing 'REWIND' in the debugger will enable/disable it.
This will then let you step 'backwards' using SHIFT+F7, undoing whatever the CPU has just exectued. Memory and CPU state should be solid (along with MMU and ROM usage), and I've started to add in sprite access as well - but this is more untested.
It's good fun, and super handy for debugging when you need to just roll back a little bit....
  • Fixed physical breakpoints in the plugins
  • (Highly) Experiminetal "rewind" debugger feature. Simply press SHIFT+F7 to step back. Currently tracks all RAM access and Sprite port access.There's bound to be HEAPs of issues and bugs with this, but for simple debugging, it should be fine.
  • Added UnStep in plugin system
  • Added "REWIND" debugger command, to allow you to switch the CPU history on/off dynamically
  • Added Debugger message display. Now reports errors when you use a non-existant label etc.
  • Fixed a bug in the rewind of MMUs
  • Swapped to 2.13 coz I was bored of 12.??


  1. I cannot download this file., from here, any other place i can use

  2. Nope. Set up an exception in your virus setup....

  3. I can't download the file either. It's not possible to set up an exception as you suggest, as both Chrome and MSIE refuse to download the ZIP in the first place. I don't get as far as my anti-virus getting involved.

  4. Google chrome is blocking the whole blog from loading now with a warning that the website has been detected to be distributing malicious applications.

  5. On download link press RMB > Open link in a new tab. (chrome)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. ZX128 mode (-zx128 cmd line parameter) still not working. On start show ? and crash to 48k mode

  8. Download instrunction: via http is blacklisted, you must use https. - http blacklisted

    There is certificate issue. Click on Advanced button, then click on "Proceed to (unsafe)"link. File will be downloaded

  9. I found I was able to download using Microsoft Edge rather than Chrome.

  10. Found what I think may be an issue with the newer version of snasm.

    If I assemble my mode with the latest version I get an error error Syntax Error in addressing mode. in an include file (doesn't specify the line of code) if I inline that code rater than include it, then error moves to another point in the code. if I comment out the include totally it assembles.
    Then when I run cspect, it doesn't read the .map file (or seemingly ignores it)

    If I use the snasm in 12_36. The previous behavior was that the code would assemble fine, if I comment out the include, it reports an error that there is a missing symbol which I would expect. when I run the code assembled under snasm in the latest cspect it behaves as expected importing the symbol map too, so I suspect its an assembler thing.

    My code is rather long winded and does includes which have their own includes so I'm not too sure how I would demonstrate an example :)

  11. A nice little debug feature which I think would be useful for testing subroutines and calls could be a "run until ret", so you could enter a subroutine check a loop works for a couple of iterations then run until its about to return.
