Tuesday, June 09, 2020

#CSpect V2.12.30

Quickly added in the last missing screen mode...

#CSpect V2.12.30 changes
  • Layer 2 palette offset added to 256,320 and 640 modes.
  • Fixed a crash when a write to E3 happens, and the roms haven't been loaded.
  • Fixed a crash in the debugger when you entered a bank:offset and the offset was an invalid symbol
  • Tilereg $6E set to $2C on power up - same as hardware. (don't assume though, set it)
  • Tilereg $6F set to $0C on power up - same as hardware. (don't assume though, set it)

SNasm V2.0.23 changes
  • Fixed a crash when an expression has a divide by 0

1 comment:

  1. I can't seem to read back from the DMA controller. My DMA controller code sends the following sequence to the DMA control port ($6b);

    %10111011 ; set read mask
    011000 ; read mask for port A low address and port A high address
    %10100111 ; initiate read

    then reads from port $6b, but always gets $ff back when run on CSpect, but gets the expected values when run on real hardware.

    Is reading back from the controller supported?
