Monday, April 20, 2020

#CSpect V2.12.22

A few more fixes, mainly while I've been doing some wifi work, but some other dev finds.

#CSpect V2.12.22 changes
  • Fixed a stupid typo on iCSpect interface to get sprites.
  • NextReg 0x1c can now be read
  • NextRegs 0x61 and 0x62 can now be read correctly
  • Reading/Setting NextReg 255 (which isn't a real one) was crashing the emulator due to plugins
  • Fixed the fallback colour, was only 8 bit instead of 9
  • Fixed reading of the raster line for lower in the screen (upper 64 pixels usually)
  • Fixed some threading issues in the serial coms (on USB hardware)
  • Fixed and changed baud rates, and added in all normal ones (HDMI timing = 27000000/baud )
    • 2000000 = 13
    • 1152000 = 23
    • 921600 = 29
    • 576000 = 46
    • 460800 = 58
    • 256000 = 105
    • 230400 = 117
    • 128000 = 210
    • 115200 = 234
    • 57600 = 468
    • 38400 = 703
    • 31250 = 864
    • 19200 = 1406
    • 9600 = 2812
    • 2400 = 11250
    • 1200 = 22500

SNASM V2.0.22
  • Fixed “align” for use with segments
  • Fixed “org” so it works with segments
  • You can now use _ in binary (ie. %11_00_1111 )


  1. hello your Emulator is being tagged as a virus by my anti-virus software (AVG Free) when I try to download it you need to fix that right away the same thing happened yesterday too when I tried to use the old version.

  2. Same here, virus by malwarebytes and avast

  3. Thanks for the frequent updates lately - the bugfixes and all of your documentation and examples are much appreciated!

  4. Windows Defender quarantines Cspect.exe upon seeing it!

  5. Is Cspect open source? I would be curious to have a look at its code, wondering if a Java "conversion" is possible... :^)
