Friday, February 23, 2018

CSpect 1.10

New version of CSpect, complete with a new demo!!

CSpect changes
  • -cur to map cursor keys to 6789 (l/r/d/u)
  • Fixed copper instruction order
  • Copper fixed - and confirmed working. (changes are only visible on next line)
  • Copper increased to 2K - 1024 instructions
  • Fixed a bug in the AY emulation (updated source included)
  • Fixed Lowres colour palette selection
  • Added new "Beast" demo+source to the package to show off the copper


  1. Hi

    Is there a place where we can have a list of the command line parameters?


  2. Yet another great update.
    Been playing around with the demo code. One thing I noticed in the Layer 2 demo (utils.asm) is the half row key decoding may be in processing 7 row incorrectly.
    I think the lines:

    ; half row 7
    VK_ENTER equ 30
    VK_J equ 31
    VK_L equ 32
    VK_K equ 33
    VK_H equ 34

    should read:

    ; half row 7
    VK_ENTER equ 30
    VK_L equ 31
    VK_K equ 32
    VK_J equ 33
    VK_H equ 34

  3. Still no plans for native Mac versions of either component? I'm assuming from the DLL that the emulator might have some dependencies that could be a porting hassle, but providing the assembler at least would be really helpful.

    I'm a Mac developer, including of an emulator of many things that aren't the Spectrum (but some of which use an AY and/or a Z80 and/or an 8272), so if there's anything I could do to help, please don't hesitate to enquire.

  4. Have you tried running it under Wine? I'm thinking of giving it a go on the Mac that way.

  5. I haven't tried, as I'm sure it wouldn't be a productive working environment. Wine is an X11 application, so that's two translation layers between CSpect and the actual OS, and XQuartz, the current best X11 server for macOS, is much less than fantastic: you can choose between either leaving it running as a constant memory hog, or a severely extended startup time every time you want to launch a Windows application.

    Given that my coding style is frequent build cycles, it's just too huge of a burden to impose all of that to run an assembler. Which is a shame because it seems to be a de facto standard amongst the Next community.

    If you're going to try it though, I strongly recommend WineBottler. Even though it's not been updated in three years, it's still much better than mucking about with the UNIX conventions of scattering the application across your drive and the Wine convention of installing your Windows applications into a hidden folder.

    Regardless of all that moaning, I understand the underlying issues and why Mac support isn't high priority, and remain grateful to the author for releasing his work for free at all.

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