*sigh* happy days. We has some great times at DMA, the early days being by far the best - it was just so much fun back then! Thats not to say some of the later days weren't good too, but hardware is just so boring these days - powerful, but boring. Just about anyone and his dog can make a reasonable game now, and that takes away much of the art that you needed to do really cool things.
I did a little test at work recently and was able to draw 1,000,000 lemmings faster than we could draw 100 on the Amiga. 1,000,000!!! That covers a 1280x1024 screen 195 times over!! or to put it another way, imagine a SNES with 3,900 parallax playfields, and STILL have enough grunt to draw 1,600 sprites! Amazing power. But what do we do with it? CPU's are now so powerful, it's like having over 500 SNES per CPU - and I have 4 cores on my machine!
So much has changed, and a little of the fun has gone. Now and then you get some of it back, a little bit of fun optimisation still brings a tear to eye as you remember the fun you used to have pouring over a few lines of assembler while trying to get a single cycle off. I sit and watch all these new boys, and shudder at the waste in their coding, memory, cpu power, disk space, network bandwidth... all of it. They don't seem to spend as much time thinking about these things as we old timers do, and the sad thing is, they probably don't have to. Sure a little more care would work wonders, but CPU's are actually made to help average coders. Thats a sad fact of life, the world is full of average or less than average coders, so all the clever folk at Intel, AMD, ARM all work away to make things run faster for them. but this leaves the few of us left struggling to find the fun we lost.
Still, it's not all bad. Some new hardware is always around the corner, and your mobile phone is now more powerful than even the old consoles. Look at the iPhone. Really nice bit of kit, and fun to code for. Languages have changed too, and I've (almost) given up assembler for the likes of C# as it's just faster to work in. I've had some hard leassons to learn here though, giving up memory management is still a sore point but it does make life simpler for most tasks, but I really miss knowing where every byte of my program has gone.
It's sad I guess. I'm a man stuck in the past. On the one hand, I'm trying to hold on to the fun I had in the very first days of coding, while on the other, I try to use all this new power as best I can, and teach these new boys thing or two while I'm at it. It's now all about bridging my experiance, learning from the past to bring forward old ideas and use them in new contexts.
So will I be here in another 20 years? Who knows... I suspect I'll still be coding in some shape or form. It still has the same lure as it did when I first sat down in front of a ZX81 and black and white portable TV as a 13 year all those moons ago. But what will change in the next 20 years? or even the next 10? More CPU cores I guess, bigger badder machines, easier to program and just perhaps, a little more fun.
Lets hope...
Anyway, heres some of my career highlights I've enjoyed...
- 1989 - Ballistix is released - My first game!
- 1990 - Blood Money on the C64 is released.
- 1991 - Lemmings
- 1994 - Lemmings 2 SNES
- 1994 - Uniracers
- 1995 - Writing various prototypes and trying out several game ideas.
- 1996 - Minus4, my first emulator!
- 1997 - GTA, particually the 3Dfx version.
- 1999 - GTA 2
- 1999 - I left DMA and moved to Visual Sciences at Head of Reasearch and Development.
- 1999 - XeO3, a small on going project begins...(still not finished!)
- 2000 - Internal debugger for the PS1 based on an Action replay, along with some fun on the PS2.
- 2000 - F1 2000 on the PS1
- 2001 - F1 2001 on the XBOX
- 2001 - I left Visual Sciences and moved to Simian Industries as Technical Manager.
- 2005 - Moved to Realtime Worlds after Simian went poop to prototype some ideas.
- 2005 - Various tech demos for an undisclosed project.
- 2006 - Russ joined me at RTW and my project team doubled in size.
- 2006 - Actually started to use C# in anger.
- 2006 - Huge scale tech demo. Great fun.
- 2008 - Rewrite and an even bigger scale demo - pretty cool.
Well, congrats :)
ReplyDeleteCoincidentally - and due to the lack of new posts :P -, I just reread the DMA Design story yesterday. Will it ever be finished? ;) And yes, it sounds like you guys and "girls" (the part about Stacey made me smile) had great fun. Hopefully, you can keep some of that spirit alive.
Sad to hear that XE03 is not on your priority list (It's in the making for 10 years now. Congrats, too :) ) but I guess that's understandable. Just don't let it become one of your unfinished games ;)
Congratulations! Your creativity made a huge influence on a world, on a millions of people and their lifes.
ReplyDeleteAgreed with previoud Anon, finishing DMA story would be awesome. I'm waiting for GTA part so much! By the way, could you please influence first GTAs go open source?
Yeah, I need to get a bit of free time to keep the DMA site going, but all my free time is taken up just now. Soon... I hope... soon..
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ReplyDeleteYou forgot about TG16 Shadow of the Beast
ReplyDeleteOh no I didn't... I said highlights I've enjoyed! Shadow of the beast was a nightmare. I enjoye exactly 3 parts of this 2 year project. Doing the 13 layer parallax scroll and the front end on top. Hacking the devkit and writing my own, and the hardware was great fun.
ReplyDeleteThe game sucks (although its better than everyother platforms I think), it took exactly 1 year too long - 1 YEAR! NEC were bastards - that is the NEC producer we had. every day going in for a year and a bit I was thinking of doing something else. If it wasn't for a holiday I took, and Steve Hammond (*bless his cotton socks) doing a huge amount of the grunt work while I was away, Im not sure I would have finished it!
hated it! hated it! hated it! hated it! hated it! hated it! hated it! hated it! hated it! hated it! hated it! hated it! ... etc. :)
The commodore 64 was your first machine? Looks like you got in the biz the tail end of the 8 bit era. You developed on it?
ReplyDeleteNice post thanks for ssharing