Friday, June 26, 2009

iPhone fun...

Yeah, I know... long time again. I've started doing some iPhone coding to see if I can actually finish a (proper) game at home. Doing games programming at work, then games programming at home is hard going. Doing the same thing all day, then coming back home and doing it all again is a little soul destroying. However, I'd like to try and give it another go, and who knows.... perhaps make a little cash on the side.

So, XeO3 will (yet again) take a back seat for a while so I can see if I can make a real go of this stuff.

On the plus side, I've been doing some OpenGL at work, and it's putting me in good stead for doing some at home! I now know a reasonable amount about it so should be able to use the iPhone's OpenGL ES reasonably easily..

Well, here goes nothing....


  1. Great to see new post from you Mike ! :)

    Why not make XEO3 for Iphone ? :)

    But beware not to use emulated code:

    Fun and sad story...

  2. You can use emulated code. You just can't JIT it, or download scripts (games) from external sites.

    If they bundled a load of games with each release (so you buy a pack of 10 games), then they'd be fine.

    XeO3 wont work coz of the lack of a joystick. You could do an on screen one but.... And that would require a rewrite to make it pretty for the iPhone :)
