Monday, February 09, 2009


I've been trying to set this up again, but this time using Apache (since I have that installed anyway!). I've almost got it going, but for some reason apache can't see the repository. Its there, and the DOS commands can access it, but apache can't - must be something simple. Anyway, the reason behind this is because Russ has set it up on his machine and we reckon we can get it to share repositories so that I have a full copy of the history etc. Anyways, once I have it running Russ can start to help with the editor and the debugger and add features for the spectrum as he needs to. Once its running that is....

I've also finally gotten C# to give me the cursor keys! It's a bit of a hack to do it, but I finally managed to get a key up/down for them. This means I should be able to do cursor key movement in RetroEdit so you don't have to use the mouse. I didn't think this was important until I tried to use it on my laptop which only has those stupid PADs, it then became obvious that cursor key movement would be great! So I've spent a couple of hours trying to get C# to actually deliver cursor key inputs, and man was it yucky.... Still all done now, so I can now do the work to move around with them tonight.

Edit: Test....


  1. Glad to see that you have put cursor key movement into editor... :)

    For me its the best way to pixel sprites.... :)

  2. Hello Mike! Off-topic comment -> You might be pleased to know that a swell multiplayer game inspired by the SNES 2-player version of Lemmings is in production: ... and done right :)

  3. Hmmm, I dont know how to say this but could you give more info about unused work from Body Harvest?

  4. It wasn't much... Because I was in charge of the A0 plotter (because of the uniracer maps we were printing), Dave asked if I could print out the body harvest maps on it. So Iset about trying to do just that. You can see the level I generated here...

    This was before I got into doing texture mapping etc. so I didn't really know how to do gouraud in software - something I did a few months later over Christmas when I started our new 3D engine at home.

    And that was it.... not much to tell really.
