I've been trying to set this up again, but this time using Apache (since I have that installed anyway!). I've almost got it going, but for some reason apache can't see the repository. Its there, and the DOS commands can access it, but apache can't - must be something simple. Anyway, the reason behind this is because Russ has set it up on his machine and we reckon we can get it to share repositories so that I have a full copy of the history etc. Anyways, once I have it running Russ can start to help with the editor and the debugger and add features for the spectrum as he needs to. Once its running that is....
I've also finally gotten C# to give me the cursor keys! It's a bit of a hack to do it, but I finally managed to get a key up/down for them. This means I should be able to do cursor key movement in RetroEdit so you don't have to use the mouse. I didn't think this was important until I tried to use it on my laptop which only has those stupid PADs, it then became obvious that cursor key movement would be great! So I've spent a couple of hours trying to get C# to actually deliver cursor key inputs, and man was it yucky.... Still all done now, so I can now do the work to move around with them tonight.
Edit: Test....
Monday, February 09, 2009
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Tick tock....
Been a little bit since I did an update, so here goes. I've been busy playing games (of all things) so haven't done as much as I should have, but I am still making slow progress on RetroEdit. I picked an older game called The Witchers, a very pretty RPG. Now I'm not a huge RPG fan, but I do love games like Diablo which have small amounts of RPG goodness in them, and this is in a similar vain, so I've been having great fun with it. Theres a little too much running around, but it's pretty good fun all the same.
Anyway... I've added inserting, deleting and cloning of frames which means we are almost at a usable state, but before I get to use it I still need to add colour picking and project loading and saving. I've decided to use the good old IFF to store all my data as it means I can add new features without losing too much data if I ever need to upgrade. So I'm writing (another) IFF file processor that lets me load/save IFF files easily, and putting it in the RetroBitmap control which allows others access to it if they like.
Once I have these 4 things added (and it all going well it shouldn't take too long), I'll try and get Luca to test it - although he's been in hiding reciently, but if he resurfaces he can take it for a spin and we can get on with some real features instead of the core editing stuff.
I did start looking at Onion Skining, and its a little more complex than I wanted as the retro bitmap control would need multiple sets of data to render it itself. This means I need to add a fairly large command that can render any format the control can and then return the image for Onion Skining. It's a little bit of a fudge, but oh well...
Anyway... I've added inserting, deleting and cloning of frames which means we are almost at a usable state, but before I get to use it I still need to add colour picking and project loading and saving. I've decided to use the good old IFF to store all my data as it means I can add new features without losing too much data if I ever need to upgrade. So I'm writing (another) IFF file processor that lets me load/save IFF files easily, and putting it in the RetroBitmap control which allows others access to it if they like.
Once I have these 4 things added (and it all going well it shouldn't take too long), I'll try and get Luca to test it - although he's been in hiding reciently, but if he resurfaces he can take it for a spin and we can get on with some real features instead of the core editing stuff.
I did start looking at Onion Skining, and its a little more complex than I wanted as the retro bitmap control would need multiple sets of data to render it itself. This means I need to add a fairly large command that can render any format the control can and then return the image for Onion Skining. It's a little bit of a fudge, but oh well...