Sunday, January 25, 2009

Home again....

After my trip down to Warrington where I was able to take a side trip to Birmingham and get to the Commodore Computer Club meet it's good to be back home. I've decided an hour and a half is about as much as Im prepared to drive for a meet, and more and its a bit of a killer. This kinda rules out any others unless I happen to be in the area (like this time), or its particually large and I'm willing to stay for a couple of days; I'm getting too old for this shit... It was nice to be able to meet folk I'd been speaking to though, and gettting some faces to go with the names is great.

It's also the first time I've used my new iPhone for mobile web, and the map applications are fab. Asking for directions, or distances from where you are is a great thing to have on you. Safari was a little slow under 3G, but it worked and help pass the time at motorway service stations. However the battery life isn't wonderful so I kept feeling like I needed to switch it off. I'll need to see if I can find the PSU for it as being able to plug it into a wall to charge would have helped - if I'd but thought that far ahead....

I hope to do a little retro edit tonight, but I'm pretty pooped after the drive up, so lets wait and see....


    Almost two thousand of people already signed in. Mike, what do you think about it?

  2. Well, I'm not sure you want to SEE the source! Some of its terrible, some of its shameful, but most of it is simply a mess :)

    I asked Les a while back about that, but he never got back to me... I dont know, its a tricky one. Its actually pretty easy to take GTA2 and make it 3D, at which point they might be taking sales away from themselves.

    It would be good... but I dont know.

  3. Hi Mike,

    Sorry for the late reply - thanks for making the effort to attend the small meet; we had about 50% turnout on what I was expecting, which is promising, so we're really going to promote and push the next one in June. Also, thanks for the donations of 'junk' ;-) I'm sure your wife is pleased about that at least!



  4. Yeah, it was good fun. Its a pitty I couldn't stay later and get out to the pub with everyone. Oh well... perhaps another time.

    It barely made a dent...*sigh*... still, all to a good cause.
