Saturday, November 08, 2008

More Progress.

I've managed to fix Mercenary, although it wasn't the BCD mode it was the overflow flag inside the ADC instruction. Anyway... Here (I hope) is the current version. Click on the screen and then use the cursor keys to move and space to shoot. F9 is frameskip which may help speed it up on some slower machines. I'll be doing a release of this soon for Plus4World, but in the meantime - Enjoy!

This is pretty neat as it means I can show new things as code rather than video. However the new version of Java appears to be a little sluggish for some reason, and frame rate has dropped a lot. In the past I used to get upto 450FPS but that has now dropped to around 70fps - without scaling...pooh. I hate Java...

Still, when all said and done - how cool is it to have xeo3 actually PLAYING in a web page!!

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