Friday, November 21, 2008

Minus4j Version 1.5 released.

I've just released the latest version of Minus4j, this is the one thats been up on plus4 world for a week or so. Its got some major improvements like Audio, joystick/key combos and auto starting via the filename.

  • Added a paramater for the initial frameskip value.
  • Removed software screen scale and now use built in JAVA one - should be MUCH faster.
  • Added ESCAPE key (Escape)
  • Added RUN STOP key - ` (backwards apostrophe, beside 1 key)
  • Added the * key (numpad)
  • Added undocumented opcode LAS,Y ($BB) command. Danger Diamonds now runs.
  • Minus4j now picks up sys0000 style RUN commands from the filename. So games like "mercenary_sys23552.prg" now work without a seprate RUN command.
  • Minus4j now picks up g12AB style RUN commands from the filename. So games like "mercenary_g5C00.prg" now work without a seprate RUN command.
  • TED Sound!!!
  • TED Samples!!
  • New "sound" paramater. sound=off or sound=on are valid. ON by default.
  • You can now press F7 while running to toggle sound (mute).
  • Added VOLUME control register.
  • If joystick is enabled, CursorKeys and Space key is disabled.
  • INSERT now does a soft reset.
  • Emulator now shuts down better.

    You can get the latest version from
  • 1 comment:

    1. I am very happy now with the sound support. Thx, dude.
