Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Home sweet home....

I'm finally back from Florida and back at work (pooh...), but until I get my main machine fixed I won't be doing much of anything. I just cant work with my laptop, its small keyboard and single screen. I could use its screen and an LCD I suppose, and plug a USB keyboard in, but it just doesnt feel right. I really am an old geezer stuck in his ways - oh well.

If anyone needs any small task done, nows probably the time to ask :)


  1. you need to work on more pc engine games because the c64 is a tird factory.

  2. Im sad... there are people like that in this world... Feel sorry for him...

  3. Small task? How about fixing that Plus4 World link? ;)

  4. lol - yeah yeah...fixed :)
