Friday, September 26, 2008

Bloody PC's!!!!

Well, it looks like I've had a hard disk failure, or rather its almost dead (I think). It keeps locking up, and it can take an age to access things sometimes, which is usually a sign your disks on the way out. This is a bugger an no mistake....

It means I've got to buy a new disk, reinstall everything, not to mention try and find all the software I use but forgot about... little utilities I take for granted.

I also have the choice of installing Vista or XP again. I hate vista, so the choice would seem pretty clear.... but that said, I dont really want to have to do this again. The hard disk that failed is about4 years old and its been that long since Ive had to install things again, but I hate doing it - who doesn't.

Anyway, all this means that things will now move pretty slowly as I need to do this before I can get going on my various projects again. Bugger.

I hate PCs.....


  1. You might want to install all your tools into a Virtual Machine on VMWare or some such software.

    The advantages being,
    (a) save-state when you have 20 windows open (this never works perfectly on PCs for me),
    (b) portability of your apps and development code between a desktop and laptop, and
    (c) not having to reinstall your dev software when your harddisk crashes.

  2. Unfortunately that won't work for me. VM stuff reduces performance, and you cant always use the 3D hardware.

  3. Same thing happened to me two days ago... I was lucky I had copy of entire 250Gb disk 10 days old... :) Backup is mother of survival :)


    It took me couple days to restore working enviroment...

    Good thing is I downloaded all new versions of my favourite tools...

    and my c64 ide is one directory with few bat files... :)

    Mike, I would still suggest XP... I work every day with servicing computers and I could say something like "XP is mature... no problem with drivers.. no problems with apps... dont need to add more ram to pc for it to work"....
    I installed xp and ubuntu as second os... I use win now only for playing games from time to time and for Visual Fox Pro... rest is all on linux...

  4. Have you ever considered using RAID? In your case even a simple mirroring could spare you a lot of headaches.

  5. Yeah, everything is safe. :)

    I use Vista64 at work and have done for a couple of years now, but since I still use some old 16bit ( read that right!) apps, a 64bit OS isn't suitable for me. (and no I don't want to use DOS BOX either). I also hate the waste of resources that Vista brings with it, its just another typical M$ bag of pooh - if I could go back to Win98Se I would :)

    I can't use Linux either as I need devstudio, and of course play games.

    As to RAID... yeah I've used it in a fair bit, but not on my main drive. I don't like motherboard RAID controllers as they tend to be software driven, and are crap. We tried that at work and they kept failing all the time.

    I've used hardware RAID5 quite a lot, but really dont want to get into that, its too expensive for what I need. I do backup quite a lot so its not the end of the world. The only thing I was worried about was my email (which hadn't been done in ages), and the debugger (which has had lots of changes).
