Friday, July 04, 2008

XeO3: C64...

I've spent this evening plugging in the new sprite multiplexor sort to XeO3 which has given it a little speed boost as well. It's nice when all these things come together like this, bit of code here... function there. I've also sped up some of the other functions in the IRQ although these are all pretty minor. Still, faster IS faster...

I've had to start freeing up some zero-page though as I've started to run out. Right at the start I allocated 30 bytes for TEMP usage, and that was a bit silly, as it now means that temp+?? is used everywhere and its going to be very hard to reduce that count - even though I suspect that less than 15 bytes are actually used. Damn.

I've also shuffled some variable usage around so that most of the sort now accesses Zero-Page which helps with speed a little too. However, the multiplexor IRQ doesn't and that means its just a little slower than is possible, but ZeroPage is severly limited really so....

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