Friday, July 25, 2008

Come and get it!!

I've now added the C64 frame work (and sample app) to the downloads links on the right, scroll down a bit and you can't miss it!

So to recap what I've given you to play with in the framework....

  • Initialisation, mainloop and interrupts all setup and ready to go.
  • Production quality multiplexor
  • Three seprate switchable sorts.
  • Simple collision detection system
  • General sprite animation system.
  • Game based keyboard and joystick routines.
  • Simple player control framework.
  • Lightning fast 8x8bit multiply routine.
  • Simple random number routine.
  • Built in MMC64 FAT16 file loader.
  • Simple example platform engine showing the framework in action.

    And there you go. As a little aside, the example also has a byterun decompression routine built in that you can use as well. Its all very simple really, but if you have any questions (or find any bugs) feel free to bug me about it.

    Hope its of use to you and gets you going on your next great game!

    1. I see nobody is sending comments on your framework....
      Don't be worried that your work is no valued enough :)

      I bet there are many people hacking it right now, and making an ultra mega giga game with it :)

      For myself, its summertime, so not enough time to sit inside near pc.... :)

      Great work! Will try to use it...

      Thanks Mike!

    2. Excellent work Mike!

      I've had some helpful pointers over the weekend from Conrad so, once I've got me head around those bits and pieces, I'll hopefully progress to your framework.


