Sunday, May 25, 2008

XeO3: Mmmmm.....

I've been making more minor fixes in the game code as I come across them so the C64 port is almost complete. In fact all thats really left is the player Death sequence and the front end. Now, the death sequence will be the same but I'd like to do a new front end - mainly because I was so pushed on the Plus4's, so I hope to do something nicer.

I was doing some calculations to see how many sprites I'd have space for on the C64, particually since they take dounle the space (64 bytes over 32). I thought I was going to have to drop some, I dont want to get into doing a sprite cache on here and have to start copying data around - I did that in Blood Money and I dont think it really helped all that much. Sure I got a few extra sprites, but I lost a lot of RAM because of it. So the idea is to use ALL the 16K VIC space for graphics, then use the rest for other things.

Now the Plus4 has 167 sprites - quite a lot! So heres how the C64 stacks up...

Screens x2 = $400*2 = $800
CharacterSets x2 = $800*2 = $1000
Panel Characters = 96*8 = $300
Total space left ($4000- $800+$1000+$300) = $2500
Total sprites left = $2500/64 = 148.

Thats almost 20 less.... Oh well... I will probably push that a little when I move the panel into another VIC bank and swap banks as well as the character set. That gives me another 12 taking the total to 160. Still, these will be bigger, but thats still 7 less. Oh well....

I've also tried the C64 version on NTSC emulation, and the lack of vertical blank raster time really hurts! So I may have to try and come up with another solution... I guess... if I can setup the first 8 sprites quickly, I can overrun with the rest.. still its far from ideal. I wonder if its worth supporting NTSC... Always hated it...

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