Saturday, December 29, 2007

XeO3: Late again....

Well, what would this project be if I actually managed to do something on time...*sigh* Oh well. Family and a stinking cold have knocked me around a bit and I'm no further forward, so I;m simply unsure as to when I'll manage to finish it now. I had hoped that I'd have loads of free time over Christmas and new year, but as it turns out, my wife is working, so I'm looking after the kids. Oh well...

That said, rest assured that we are still doing this 1 level test and it is coming soon; just not as soon as I had hoped for. On the plus side, Luca has been making some scripting doc's which you can find on the main page, so that when it IS released, you'll be able to make your own level if you wish.

If you happen to read MicroMart, you'll notice Shawn's 5th year there has ended, and still no XeO3 in sight - sorry dude. Lets hope I get a little free time soon, and we can finish this and progress onto the main event...

Edit: Oh, and I've also decided things are a little too easy on the test level, which leads me to think that the baddies should shoot at you - as well as the turrets. So I'll probably add that after the demo level is done.

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