Saturday, November 17, 2007

Slow progress....

Well, after listening to the Scotland v Italy match on the Radio I'm wondering if I'll ever speak to luca again!! Oh well, its our own fault - as usual. We should have beat Georgia. Everyone was complaining about the refereeing, but I think it swings both ways. Never mind....We've improved loads and had a great campain - Well done Scotland! Ya done us proud!

Oh well, after that how have I been doing...... slowly. Not had a lot of chance to do much, but I hope to do some more paths tonight. I really hate doing them, but Luca (SPIT!) is still learning the script so I'll be doing these one, but I hope he can start doing some for the actual game.

I was also thinking about the MMC card stuff. I really screwed up here. By not doing a schematic first, I have no idea where all the wires are going, so now I either need to start again, or revese engineer what I had started. Im also thinking I need to do a Plus4 user port version so that I can test out code and allow SID usage. A userport card would be much easier, and if I supplied a ROM (or ROM image) then it could still boot properly.
It does mean this version wouldn't have the clockport so couldnt' do the ethernet/serial addon's. Im still trying to get a milling machine what would let me make real boards, and if this was possible then I could make the card here....Oh well... Still lots to do first.

Oh, and theres a new POLL. The results of the old one were pretty predictable with no one really interested in an external RAM expansion.

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