Thursday, November 29, 2007

65816: Problems....

Okay....I was a bit peeved that I released the latest SNASM with only partial 65816 support, so I've decided to finish it off. While doing this, I've hooked up my SuperCPU again along with my fab new Heavy Duty PSU.

I'm pleased to say my MMC64 and Ethernet still work on the super CPU, so downloading is a doddle. You know...I was halfway through this post, moaning that nothing was working, and then I noticed a REALLY stupid mistake, and now all is well....

So now I have a full 65816 - 16bit program running!! COOOOOOL!

Slight problems still exist however....If I'm in 16bit mode, I cant go into 16bit mode. (yes you read that right). Its a bit strange. As its not that big, I've done a HEX dump on the code and it all lookgs fine!

*sigh*........What the hells wrong now.......

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