Saturday, September 22, 2007

Mode DMA videos and pictures.

So, another day... another stack of pictures and videos uploaded to my flickr and YouTube accounts. I'm starting to run dry now, most of the video I have has been uploaded, and although I do still have a stack of level building graphics for games, I have very little "pictures" left. Which is good I guess, as it means folk can now see everything.

Anyways...back to XeO3. I think I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and put some code in the level loading when done, however it will mean I lose my 1k I've been holding onto in an attempt to keep the character sprite system, but it just appears theres no real space left for them. I need to add code to draw them, spawn them and move them - not to mention the actual graphics themselves.... Luca's gonna kill me....


  1. How about putting links to your flickr and YouTube accounts under "Links"? That would keep them visible after these blog entries get buried in the archive.

  2. Good idea....and DONE!!

  3. Lemme lemme lemme lemme understand what would be cut off!? :D
