Monday, October 30, 2006

XeO3: Selling an idea.....

I was over at Lemon64 and they have a really handy poll there which asks what you do you C64-ing on, an actual machine, VICE,CCS64 or another emulator. I'd expected it to be around 15-20:1 in favour of emualtor (based on people I know), but I'm happy to be proved wrong again! Its early days on the poll (I think), but currently around 44% of you play on a real machine!! wow! Thats great, and pretty cool. It also brings up the question of selling disks again since my original argument was that ony a handful would want to buy an actual disk, I'll need to start another pool and see what people actually want but it may be we have to start thinking about making an actual product to sell to folk so they can play on their actual machines.

I wonder what the +4 ratio is.......


  1. I am a c64 user, I have a c64, it is about 17 yo and works great, but as I live in a country where the c64 was not that popular (Portugal, I had also a Timex 1048, a spectrum clone but with two other video modes(never saw them used in games tho) I never bought a floppy drive and I have only the old trusty datasette. Thus these days I only use VICE or Hoxs64. And I came to enjoy and like the plus4 aswell and I use Yape. cheers! keep up the awesome job in your editor+game(s) ;)

  2. You are right Chicken, the purists hate emus but I am query happy that Vice is such an advanced emulator, if it wasn't it I wouldn't have enjoyed the fabulous c64 demos for example. The same for the plus4, if it wasn't the emulators I would not enjoy it's games or programs, and I am anxiously waiting to try XeO3 on the c64, plus4 and spectrum. All on emus :P of if they come out in Tape I might give a try on my C64 and Timex 2048.

  3. I think its down to DISK use. If people have disk drives then it looks like you'll use it longer - not to mention the fact its easier to get games for since you can download from the PC. But most folk get fed up waiting for TAPES to load and so migrate over to emulators - I know I'll never play another multi-loading TAPE game.

  4. If you release a disk version I will buy a copy...assuming:

    1) It has a nice label. Call me picky but I don't want to pay good money for a white label with hand-scribbled "GAME TITLE"

    2) It's not too expensive. $20 would be pushing it for me. UNLESS it was decked out. ie: professional box, professional manual, professional disk or even better a cart.

  5. The original one, definitely.
