The C64 cable is cool as it sets a whole byte at once (unlike the +4 that sends nibbles). But it only seems to match the +4 speed, probably due to the higher clockspeed on the +4. I suspect I could knock a second off the +4 one if I blacked the screen, but 6-7 seconds for 64k is quick enough. This should allow a quicker turn around of testing on the C64 version as it downloads under the ROM's and VIC chip, which in turn means I dont HAVE to pack it to run/test it.
Once I've cleaned it all up I'll post the new C64 downloader, along with the wiring diagram - although I suspect its the same as a few others, its very simple: 8 Data wires, 1 signal, and 1 busy - easy. I know loads of folk will simply point out that theres already 1,000,000 downloaders, but from what I saw, they were all far too complicated - I just want download and run!
1 comment:
Why is NTSC faster? Do they increase the clock speed? I thought it was just less TV lines to draw on the +4, so it ran through frames quicker - which woulnd't change the number of cycles per frame being processed.
Yeah, I suspect that since I got the diagrams wrong, I wired a 5v to one of the IN's on the port - not a good idea.
But now I have both +4 and C64 plugged in at once, which is cool. I was thinking, what I really want.... is a USB->Parallel port. This would make it easier for folk to use, and while it wouldn't be any quicker (since its still the parallel port), would make it a bit more compatable with modern machines. (most new PC's dont even have a parallel port).
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