Wednesday, August 23, 2006


So I did my bit at the EIEF ( and it seemed to go okay. I can never tell what Im actually like, I always think I sound like a total pratt. Still, this year, I'll be able to tell coz Channel 4 recorded it!! (audio only - thank you god!). You're only supposed to have 5 min to talk (which isn't a lot really), but I've no idea how long I went on for.

I met I knew someone from CodeOp's who was doing a talk on freelancing, and she was terrified! And you know, for a male dominated industry, I was the only guy on the panel. I suspect its male dominated in the ranks.... but its the women pulling the strings - as we all know they like to.....

Good fun though - I do enjoy public speaking, even if I do tend to waffle on a bit, and I can't wait to hear what I was actually like!

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