Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Work, Rest and Zzzzzzz

Boy am I tired. I think the heats starting to get to me. Every year I think, I know... I'll buy and Air-Con unit in the sales, and every year I forget. Oh well. Champions league final tonight, should be good.

I've been playing with doing a windowing system at work for my game, and was trying to find a nicer way doing things. In the past the systems been fairly simple, workable but not very expandable without editing the actual library code. So this time, I've set about trying to change that. Its workout out pretty good too, and now you can great your own buttons or gadgets and hook them into the system without the system having any idea on how it works. This is key to how everything in our interface needs to be. Totally expandable with simple code, and without changing the root codebase. Unlike Unreal for example where youre expected to change almost everything, here the idea is you change almost nothing, and expand it.

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