- Startup and shut down crash should be fixed
- You can now use register names in the debugger evaluation ("M HL" instead of "M $1234", "BC HL" etc.)
- G
to disassemble from address - -sound to disable audio
- Timing fixed when no sound active.
- -resid to enable loading and using of the reSID DLL. Note: not working yet - feel free to try and fix it! :)
- -exit to enable "EXIT" opcode of "DD 00"
- -brk to enable "BREAK" opcode of "DD 01"
- -esc to disable ESCAPE exit key (use exit opcode, close button or ALT+F4 to exit)
- Fixed the Kempston Mouse interface, now works like the hardware.
- Next registers are now readable (as per hardware)
- local labels beginning with ! or . will now be stripped properly
- Pressing CONTROL will release the mouse
- Right shift is now also "Symbol shift"
- 3xAY audio added - many thanks to Matt Westcott (gasman) https://github.com/gasman/libayemu
- Timex Hicolour added
- Timex Hires added
- Lowest bit of BLUE can now be set
- SHIFT+ENTER will set the PC to the current "user bar" address
- Raster interrupts via Next registers $22 and $23
- MMU memory mapping via NextReg $50 to $57
- Source for ay.dll and resid.dll included (feel free to fix reSID.DLL!)
- You can now specify the window size with -w1, -w2, -w3 and -w4(default). If winow is less than 3x then the debugger is not available
- Cursor keys are now mapped to 5678 (ZX spectrum cursor)
- Backspace now maps to LeftShift+0 (delete)
- DMA now available! Simple block transfer (memory to memory, memory to port, port to memory)
- SpecDrum sample interface included. Port $ffdf takes an 8 bit signed value and is output to audio. (not really tested)
- Added the lowres demo (press 1+2 to switch demo)
- Updated Mouse demo and added Raster Interrupts
- Added DMA demo
- Added 3xAY demo by Purple Motion.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
CSpect V1.0!!
Okay, big update this one - so now declaring version 1.0! (coz why the hell not...)
Sunday, August 27, 2017
CSpect V0.9 released
Update to handle the new (updated) ULANext spec. Other changes listed below....
register 20 ($14) Global transparency colour added (defaults to $e3)
regisrer 7 Turbo mode selection implemented.
Fixed 28Mhz to 14,7,3.5 transition.
ULANext mode updated to new spec (see https://www.specnext.com/tbblue-io-port-system/)
LDPIRX added
register 20 ($14) Global transparency colour added (defaults to $e3)
regisrer 7 Turbo mode selection implemented.
Fixed 28Mhz to 14,7,3.5 transition.
ULANext mode updated to new spec (see https://www.specnext.com/tbblue-io-port-system/)
LDPIRX added
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Update to SNasm
A couple of important fixes for my SNasm assembler, so I thought I'd release an updated version..
Note: This is newer than the version in the CSpect bundle.
Fixed ld (ix+UNDEFINED),a (and IY)
Fixed locals being defined after an equate
Fixed (IX+forward_label) issue
SNA saving now saves some default registers so you can call ROM stuff better
XOR A,REG/IMM now throws an error
SUB A,REG/IMM now throws an error
Please remember SNasm's Z80 mode is still very new, so there will still be issues with them. If you find any, please let me know.
Note: This is newer than the version in the CSpect bundle.
Fixed ld (ix+UNDEFINED),a (and IY)
Fixed locals being defined after an equate
Fixed (IX+forward_label) issue
SNA saving now saves some default registers so you can call ROM stuff better
XOR A,REG/IMM now throws an error
SUB A,REG/IMM now throws an error
Please remember SNasm's Z80 mode is still very new, so there will still be issues with them. If you find any, please let me know.
Monday, August 21, 2017
CSpect V0.8 released
New Lowres layer support added (see readme for details)
ULANext palette support added (see readme for details)
TEST $XX opcode fixed
ULANext palette support added (see readme for details)
TEST $XX opcode fixed
Saturday, August 19, 2017
CSpect V0.7 released
port $57 and $5B are now mapped as $xx57 and $xx5B
Fixed a couple of sprite flipping and rotation issues
Can now use RST $08 to save (see the layer 2 demo)
Some more additions to SNasm - see docs
Fixed a couple of sprite flipping and rotation issues
Can now use RST $08 to save (see the layer 2 demo)
Some more additions to SNasm - see docs
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Shock! CSpect V0.6
Okay... shock... new version.
HLDE has been renamed to DEHL, and ACC32 has been renamed to A32
I've also added the new TEST $XX opcode
And I've added SAVEBIN "filename",start,len
and I've added SAVESNA "filename",PC [,STACK]
'*' as current drive now working properly
HLDE has been renamed to DEHL, and ACC32 has been renamed to A32
I've also added the new TEST $XX opcode
And I've added SAVEBIN "filename",start,len
and I've added SAVESNA "filename",PC [,STACK]
'*' as current drive now working properly
swapnib ED 23 A bits 7-4 swap with A bits 3-0 mul ED 30 multiply HL*DE = HLDE (no flags set) add hl,a ED 31 Add A to HL (no flags set) add de,a ED 32 Add A to DE (no flags set) add bc,a ED 33 Add A to BC (no flags set) add hl,$0000 ED 34 LO HI Add A to HL (no flags set) add de,$0000 ED 35 LO HI Add A to DE (no flags set) add bc,$0000 ED 36 LO HI Add A to BC (no flags set) outinb ED 90 out (c),(hl), hl++ ldix ED A4 As LDI, but if byte==A does not copy ldirx ED B4 As LDIR, but if byte==A does not copy lddx ED AC As LDD, but if byte==A does not copy, and DE is incremented lddrx ED BC As LDDR, but if byte==A does not copy fillde ED B5 Using A fill from DE for BC bytes ld hl,sp ED 25 transfer SP to HL ld acc32,hlde ED 20 transfer HLDE into ACC32 ld hlde,acc32 ED 21 transfer ACC32 into HLDE ex acc32,hlde ED 22 swap ACC32 with HLDE inc hlde ED 37 increment 32bit HLDE dec hlde ED 38 increment 32bit HLDE add hlde,a ED 39 Add A to 32bit HLDE add hlde,bc ED 3A Add BC to 32bit HLDE add hlde,$0000 ED 3B LO HI Add $0000 to 32bit HLDE sub hlde,a ED 3C Subtract A from 32bit HLDE sub hlde,bc ED 3D Subtract BC from 32bit HLDE mirror a ED 24 mirror the bits in A mirror de ED 26 mirror the bits in DE push $0000 ED 8A LO HI push 16bit immidiate value popx ED 8B pop value and disguard nextreg reg,val ED 91 reg,val Set a NEXT register (like doing out($243b),reg then out($253b),val ) nextreg reg,a ED 92 reg Set a NEXT register using A (like doing out($243b),reg then out($253b),A ) pixeldn ED 93 Move down a line on the ULA screen pixelad ED 94 using D,E (as Y,X) calculate the ULA screen address and store in HL setae ED 95 Using the lower 3 bits of E (X coordinate), set the correct bit value in A test $00 ED 27 And A with $XX and set all flags. A is not affected.
Download: CSpect Emulator
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
CSpect V0.5
Will just say.... These are all subject to change. Looks like HLDE will swap to DEHL to help compilers, and ACC32 changes to A32. So be aware when using.
Okay, this this (might) be the last one for a little - I really want to carry on with my game, and not get drawn into doing emulators and assemblers all the time!
There are also several new Z80 opcodes to play with! My included assembler will assemble these correctly for use in the emulator. There are a few more to come.....
Okay, this this (might) be the last one for a little - I really want to carry on with my game, and not get drawn into doing emulators and assemblers all the time!
There are also several new Z80 opcodes to play with! My included assembler will assemble these correctly for use in the emulator. There are a few more to come.....
swapnib ED 23 A bits 7-4 swap with A bits 3-0 mul ED 30 multiply HL*DE = HLDE (no flags set) add hl,a ED 31 Add A to HL (no flags set) add de,a ED 32 Add A to DE (no flags set) add bc,a ED 33 Add A to BC (no flags set) add hl,$0000 ED 34 LO HI Add A to HL (no flags set) add de,$0000 ED 35 LO HI Add A to DE (no flags set) add bc,$0000 ED 36 LO HI Add A to BC (no flags set) outinb ED 90 out (c),(hl), hl++ ldix ED A4 As LDI, but if byte==A does not copy ldirx ED B4 As LDIR, but if byte==A does not copy lddx ED AC As LDD, but if byte==A does not copy, and DE is incremented lddrx ED BC As LDDR, but if byte==A does not copy fillde ED B5 Using A fill from DE for BC bytes ld hl,sp ED 25 transfer SP to HL ld acc32,hlde ED 20 transfer HLDE into ACC32 ld hlde,acc32 ED 21 transfer ACC32 into HLDE ex acc32,hlde ED 22 swap ACC32 with HLDE inc hlde ED 37 increment 32bit HLDE dec hlde ED 38 increment 32bit HLDE add hlde,a ED 39 Add A to 32bit HLDE add hlde,bc ED 3A Add BC to 32bit HLDE add hlde,$0000 ED 3B LO HI Add $0000 to 32bit HLDE sub hlde,a ED 3C Subtract A from 32bit HLDE sub hlde,bc ED 3D Subtract BC from 32bit HLDE mirror a ED 24 mirror the bits in A mirror de ED 26 mirror the bits in DE push $0000 ED 8A LO HI push 16bit immidiate value popx ED 8B pop value and disguard nextreg reg,val ED 91 reg,val Set a NEXT register (like doing out($243b),reg then out($253b),val ) nextreg reg,a ED 92 reg Set a NEXT register using A (like doing out($243b),reg then out($253b),A ) pixeldn ED 93 Move down a line on the ULA screen pixelad ED 94 using D,E (as Y,X) calculate the ULA screen address and store in HL setae ED 95 Using the lower 3 bits of E (X coordinate), set the correct bit value in A
Download: CSpect Emulator
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Version 0.4 of CSpect
This is a new release of my CSpect emulator with yet more ZX Spectrum Next features.
You can now set sprite and screen order priorities, and the included Layer 2 scrolling demo+source shows how to do this.
Full memory banking has been added, so you can now use the full 1MB of RAM that will come with the next! (well....subject to change, and esxDOS pinching some). Again the Layer 2 demo shows this function in the utils.asm file. The comments also show the general layout of memory, so you should take a look there before using the paging.
Layer 2 double buffering! You can now have 2 Layer 2 buffers and page in either to $0000-$3ffff using the new bit layout in port $123b - see the included read me. for more details. To flip buffers, you just need to swap register 18 and register 19 values around.
There are also several new Z80 opcodes to play with! My included assembler will assemble these correctly for use in the emulator. There are a few more to come.....
The file system will (should) also now accept '*' or '$' as setting the current drive. (untested)
I have also started to add some basic Audio, so the spectrum beeper now works.
Lastly.... the Sprite shape register has switched from port $55 to port $5B
You can now set sprite and screen order priorities, and the included Layer 2 scrolling demo+source shows how to do this.
Full memory banking has been added, so you can now use the full 1MB of RAM that will come with the next! (well....subject to change, and esxDOS pinching some). Again the Layer 2 demo shows this function in the utils.asm file. The comments also show the general layout of memory, so you should take a look there before using the paging.
Layer 2 double buffering! You can now have 2 Layer 2 buffers and page in either to $0000-$3ffff using the new bit layout in port $123b - see the included read me. for more details. To flip buffers, you just need to swap register 18 and register 19 values around.
There are also several new Z80 opcodes to play with! My included assembler will assemble these correctly for use in the emulator. There are a few more to come.....
swapnib ED 23 A bits 7-4 swap with A bits 3-0 mul ED 30 multiply HL*DE = HLDE (no flags set) add hl,a ED 31 Add A to HL (no flags set) add de,a ED 32 Add A to DE (no flags set) add bc,a ED 33 Add A to BC (no flags set) outinb ED 90 out (c),(hl), hl++ ldix ED A4 As LDI, but if byte==A does not copy ldirx ED B4 As LDIR, but if byte==A does not copy lddx ED AC As LDD, but if byte==A does not copy, and DE is incremented lddrx ED BC As LDDR, but if byte==A does not copy
The file system will (should) also now accept '*' or '$' as setting the current drive. (untested)
I have also started to add some basic Audio, so the spectrum beeper now works.
Lastly.... the Sprite shape register has switched from port $55 to port $5B
Download: CSpect Emulator
Saturday, July 15, 2017
New CSpect ZX Spectrum Next emulator
UPDATE: I've now added register setting, and memory window set/moving. You can also set breakpoints from the input line, and push/pop values.
I've been working away on a new debugger for my CSpect emulator, and it's now ready to use, so here it is along with my assembler (SNasm) and a sample showing how to use it all. Please read the readme and be aware it may go pop at any time. Aside from that -have fun!!
I've been working away on a new debugger for my CSpect emulator, and it's now ready to use, so here it is along with my assembler (SNasm) and a sample showing how to use it all. Please read the readme and be aware it may go pop at any time. Aside from that -have fun!!
Download: CSpect Emulator
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Z8410 DMA chip for the ZX Spectrum Next
So the ZX Spectrum Next team have added a Z80 DMA chip, the Z8410 chip to be more precise. This was popular add on in Europe ( more info here: http://velesoft.speccy.cz/data-gear.htm ), and has some very cool advantages for future games, especially because it's now a standard part. However information on it is a little thin on the ground, so after some major googling, I've found the info on them.
The DMA port can be 11 or 107, and it can transfer around 865k per second
From the web page above: Max. speed of data transfer on ZX128+ is...
17.3 kB(17727 bytes) / frame = 865.6 kB(886350 bytes) / second.
Or.... 1 byte every 4 T-States.
Now here is the really cool bit, because it's tied to the clock speed, when you speed up the NEXT (as it can go 7Mhz, 14Mhz and 28Mhz), the DMA will also speed up! This is amazing, as it means you'll be able to transfer 1.73Mb/s, 3.46Mb/s, and an astounding 6.92Mb/s! At 28Mhz you won't be using Layer 2, and that means you could copy the original Layer 1 screen in just 13.5 scanlines, which is incredible.
The registers are below, and here is the Datasheet
The DMA port can be 11 or 107, and it can transfer around 865k per second
From the web page above: Max. speed of data transfer on ZX128+ is...
17.3 kB(17727 bytes) / frame = 865.6 kB(886350 bytes) / second.
Or.... 1 byte every 4 T-States.
Now here is the really cool bit, because it's tied to the clock speed, when you speed up the NEXT (as it can go 7Mhz, 14Mhz and 28Mhz), the DMA will also speed up! This is amazing, as it means you'll be able to transfer 1.73Mb/s, 3.46Mb/s, and an astounding 6.92Mb/s! At 28Mhz you won't be using Layer 2, and that means you could copy the original Layer 1 screen in just 13.5 scanlines, which is incredible.
The registers are below, and here is the Datasheet
Saturday, July 01, 2017
esxDOS File access
So I was about to start adding some very basic "simulation" support for files into my emulator, and I'd lost track of the API details as they were listed on Facebook. Facebook isn't a great place to have technical discussions as you can't search later to find the stuff you need!
Fortunately I had it saved off, so before I (and everyone else) loses it, I thought I'd put it up here. I'll do a little ASM lib with all this later.
I'll also extend this if/when I discover more commands, as there appears to be very little info about the esxDOS API
Fortunately I had it saved off, so before I (and everyone else) loses it, I thought I'd put it up here. I'll do a little ASM lib with all this later.
I'll also extend this if/when I discover more commands, as there appears to be very little info about the esxDOS API
; ; NOTE: File paths use the slash character (‘/’) as directory separator (UNIX style) ; M_GETSETDRV equ $89 F_OPEN equ $9a F_CLOSE equ $9b F_READ equ $9d F_WRITE equ $9e F_SEEK equ $9f F_GET_DIR equ $a8 F_SET_DIR equ $a9 FA_READ equ $01 FA_APPEND equ $06 FA_OVERWRITE equ $0C ; Function: Detect if unit is ready ; Out: A = default drive (required for all file access) ; Carry flag will be set if error. GetSetDrive: xor a ; A=0, get the default drive rst $08 db M_GETSETDRV ld (DefaultDrive),a ret DefaultDrive db 0 ; Function: Open file ; In: IX = filename ; B = open mode ; A = Drive ; Out: A = file handle ; On error: Carry set ; A = 5 File not found ; A = 7 Name error - not 8.3? ; A = 11 Drive not found ; fOpen: ld a, (DefaultDrive) ; get drive we're on ld b, FA_READ ; b = open mode ld ix,FileName ; ix = Pointer to file name (ASCIIZ) rst $08 db F_OPEN ; open read mode ret ; Returns a file handler in 'A' register. ; Function: Read bytes from a file ; In: A = file handle ; ix = address to load into ; bc = number of bytes to read ; Out: Carry flag is set if read fails. fRead: ld ix, 16384 ; ix = address where to store what is read ld bc, 6912 ; bc = bytes to read ld a, filehandle ; a = the file handler rst $08 db F_READ ; read file ret ; Function: Write bytes to a file ; In: A = file handle ; ix = address to save from ; bc = number of bytes to write ; Out: Carry flag is set if write fails. fWrite: ld ix, 16384 ; ix = memory address to save from ld bc, 6912 ; bc = bytes to write ld a, handle ; a = file handler rst $08 db F_WRITE ; write file ret ; Function: Write bytes to a file ; In: A = file handle ; Out: Carry flag active if error when closing fClose: ld a, handle ; a = file handler rst $08 db F_CLOSE ret ; Function: Seek into file ; In: A = file handle ; L = mode: 0 - from start of file ; 1 - forward from current position ; 2 - back from current position ; BCDE = bytes to seek ; Out: BCDE = Current file pointer. (*does not return this yet) ; fSeek: ld a,handle ; file handle or a ; is it zero? ret z ; if so return ld l,0 ld bc,0 ld de,0 rst $08 db F_SEEK ret ; Function: SetDirectory ; In: A = Drive ; HL = pointer to zero terminated path string ("path",0) ; Out: carry set if error ; SetDir: ld a,(DefaultDrive) ; drive to change directory on ld hl,Path ; point to "path",0 to set rst $08 db F_SET_DIR ret ; Function: Get Directory ; In: A = Drive ; HL = pointer to where to STORE zero terminated path string ; Out: carry set if error ; GetDir: ld a,(DefaultDrive) ; drive to get current directory from ld hl,Path ; location to store path string in rst $08 db F_GET_DIR ret
Sunday, June 04, 2017
ZX Spectrum Next - Bitmap example disassembly
I've been having a poke around in the ZX Spectrum Next Bitmap example. It's mostly clear, but one or two things are....odd.
This is what I have so far.
UPDATE: Banking registers now confirmed by Jim Bagley
This is what I have so far.
UPDATE: Banking registers now confirmed by Jim Bagley
; Disassembly of the file "bitmaps\BMPLOAD" ; ; BMP Port $123b ; bit 0 - Write enable. (banks in 16K from $0000-$3fff) ; bit 1 - bitmap ON ; bit 4 - Layer 2 below spectrum screen ; bit 6-7 - Which 16K bank to page into $0000-$3ffff ; ; On entry, HL = arguments ; ; ; Since dot commands run at $2000, and the Layer 2 is paged into $0000-$3fff ; It needs to have some code above the lower 16K to actually copy into layer 2 ; So copy up the "copy" routine, and it'll page in/out the layer 2 bank ; 2000 226221 ld (HL_Save),hl ; Store HL 2003 216421 ld hl,UploadCode ; Src = 2006 110060 ld de,6000h ; dest = $6000 2009 011f00 ld bc,001fh ; size = 31 bytes 200c edb0 ldir 200e 2a6221 ld hl,(HL_Save) ; get HL back 2011 7c ld a,h 2012 b5 or l ; is hl 0? 2013 2008 jr nz,201dh ; if we have an argument, carry on 2015 213121 ld hl,2131h ; get message 2018 cd1d21 call PrintText ; print the filename 201b 1823 jr Exit ; exit ; Load file....? CopyFilename: 201d 112421 ld de,FileName ; "filename.ext" text - space to store filename? 2020 060c ld b,0ch ; b = $0c (max length of allowed filename - no path it seems) ; Copy, and validate characters in filename 2022 7e ld a,(hl) ; first byte of filename 2023 fe3a cp 3ah ; is it a ":"? End of filename 2025 2810 jr z,EndFilename ; if so end of filename 2027 b7 or a ; 0? 2028 280d jr z,EndFilename ; if so end of filename 202a fe0d cp 0dh ; newline? 202c 2809 jr z,EndFilename ; if so end of filename 202e cb7f bit 7,a ; over 127? 2030 2005 jr nz,EndFilename ; if so end of filename 2032 12 ld (de),a ; copy over to filename cache 2033 23 inc hl ; next src letter 2034 13 inc de ; next dest letter 2035 10eb djnz 2022h ; copy all EndFilename 2037 af xor a ; Mark end of filename 2038 12 ld (de),a ; store filename 2039 dd212421 ld ix,FileName ; get filename base address 203d cd6220 call LoadFile: Exit: 2040 af xor a ; no error 2041 c9 ret ; exit ; esxDOS detect if unit is ready DetectUnit: 2042 af xor a ; Detect if unit is ready 2043 cf rst 08h ; call esxDOS 2044 89 db $89 ; M_GETSETDRV ; Open ; IX= Filename (ASCIIZ) ; B = FA_READ ($01) ; FA_APPEND ($06) ; FA_OVERWRITE ($0C) ; OpenFile: 2045 dde5 push ix ; ix = filename 2047 e1 pop hl ; If a DOT command (rather than normal memory), uses HL not IX 2048 0601 ld b,01h ; b = FA_READ 204a 3e2a ld a,2ah ; a = unknown (a=0 for open) 204c cf rst 08h ; call esxDOS 204d 9a db $9a ; F_Open 204e 325620 ld (2056h),a ; Store file handle (self modify read from file code) 2051 c9 ret ; ; esxDOS command - Read from file - command $9d ; IX = address to load into ; BC = number of bytes to load ; A = file handle ReadBytes: 2052 dde5 push ix ; IX = where to to store data 2054 e1 pop hl ; get address to load into 2055 3e00 ld a,00h ; $00 is self modified 2057 cf rst 08h ; call esxDOS 2058 9d db $9d ; F_Read 2059 c9 ret ; esxDOS command - Close File - command $9b ; A = file handle CloseFile: 205a 3a5620 ld a,(2056h) ; Get open file handle 205d b7 or a ; is it 0? (did it open) 205e c8 ret z ; if file handle is 0, return 205f cf rst 08h ; Call esxDOS 2060 9b db $9b ; F_Close 2061 c9 ret LoadFile: 2062 dde5 push ix ; remember filename 2064 cd4220 call DetectUnit ; detect unit and open...?!?!? 2067 dde1 pop ix ; get filename back 2069 cd4520 call OpenFile ; OpenFile - again?? 206c dd21e720 ld ix,BMPHeader ; Read the BMP file header 2070 013600 ld bc,0036h ; read header ($36 bytes) 2073 cd5220 call ReadBytes 2076 dd218321 ld ix,BitMap ; read block into $2183 207a 010004 ld bc,0400h ; read palette - 1024 bytes 207d cd5220 call ReadBytes ; ; Convert the 24bit palette into a simple RRRGGGBB format ; ConvertBMP: 2080 218321 ld hl,BitMap ; Get buffer address ($2183) 2083 11003f ld de,3f00h ; Dest address of converted palette 2086 0600 ld b,00h ConvertionLoop: 2088 7e ld a,(hl) ; get BLUE byte 2089 23 inc hl ; move on to green 208a c620 add a,20h ; brighten up a bit? (blue is always pretty dark??) 208c 3002 jr nc,SkipSatB ; overflow? 208e 3eff ld a,0ffh ; if overflow, then saturate to $FF SkipSatB: 2090 1f rra ; get top 2 bits only RRRGGGBB 2091 1f rra 2092 1f rra 2093 1f rra 2094 1f rra 2095 1f rra 2096 e603 and 03h ; and store them at the bottom 2098 4f ld c,a ; c holds current byte 2099 7e ld a,(hl) ; get GREEN 209a 23 inc hl ; move onto red 209b c610 add a,10h ; brighten up a bit as well 209d 3002 jr nc,SkipSatG ; if no overflow, skip saturate 209f 3eff ld a,0ffh SkipSatG: 20a1 1f rra ; get 3 bits of green into right place 20a2 1f rra 20a3 1f rra 20a4 e61c and 1ch ; mask off remaining lower bits 20a6 b1 or c ; merge with output byte 20a7 4f ld c,a ; store into output 20a8 7e ld a,(hl) ; get RED 20a9 23 inc hl ; move to next byte of colour (assuming alpha) 20aa c610 add a,10h ; brighten up a bit 20ac 3002 jr nc,SkipSatR ; no overflow? 20ae 3eff ld a,0ffh ; Saturate to $FF SkipSatR 20b0 e6e0 and 0e0h ; keep top 3 bits 20b2 b1 or c ; merge with output pixel 20b3 12 ld (de),a ; store converted pixel 20b4 13 inc de ; move to next ouput pixel 20b5 23 inc hl ; move to next BGRA pixel 20b6 10d0 djnz ConvertionLoop ; c = pixel....?!?!?! 20b8 06c0 ld b,0c0h ; bc=$c000 ConvertUploadLoop: 20ba c5 push bc 20bb dd21003e ld ix,3e00h ; $3e00 = Destination address 20bf 010001 ld bc,0100h ; read 256 bytes of data 20c2 cd5220 call ReadBytes ; Read from file ; ; convert 256 value palette index into actual RGB byte pixel using palette lookup ; 20c5 2e00 ld l,00h ; l = xx (loop counter) CopyLoop: 20c7 263e ld h,3eh ; hl = $3exx 20c9 5e ld e,(hl) ; e = Get palette index 20ca 163f ld d,3fh ; d = $3f palette base address - 256 byte aligned 20cc 1a ld a,(de) ; a = palette value (24bit converted downto 8bit) 20cd 265b ld h,5bh ; hl = $5bxx converted 256 byte buffer 20cf 77 ld (hl),a ; ($5bxx) = converted colour pixel 20d0 263e ld h,3eh ; hl = $3e00 20d2 2c inc l ; do 256 bytes of this.... 20d3 20f2 jr nz,CopyLoop 20d5 c1 pop bc ; bc = $c000 20d6 c5 push bc 20d7 cd0060 call 6000h ; block transfer 256 bytes of the bitmap 20da c1 pop bc 20db 10dd djnz ConvertUploadLoop 20dd 013b12 ld bc,123bh ; Bitmap port 20e0 3e02 ld a,02h ; 2 = enable and visible 20e2 ed79 out (c),a ; switch bitmap layer 2 on 20e4 c35a20 jp 205ah BMPHeader: ds 54 ; $20e7 to $211c PrintText: 211d 7e ld a,(hl) ; get character 211e 23 inc hl ; move to next one 211f b7 or a ; is this 0? 2120 c8 ret z ; if so... end of string 2121 d7 rst 10h ; outchr() 2122 18f9 jr 211dh ; print all characters ; ; Looks like data of some kinds ; FileName: db "filename.ext",0 Message: db ".picloadto load image to background",$d,$00 HL_Save dw 0 ; ; Copied up to $6000 ; UploadCode: 2164 05 dec b ; b = upper byte of memory address 2165 78 ld a,b ; get 256 byte page into a 2166 e63f and 3fh ; ignore top bits 2168 57 ld d,a ; de=$0000-$3ffff 2169 1e00 ld e,00h ; Page bitmap block into lower 16K 216b 78 ld a,b 216c e6c0 and 0c0h ; get the 16K bank to page 216e f601 or 01h ; OR in bank active bit 2170 013b12 ld bc,123bh ; bitmap register 2173 ed79 out (c),a ; map bank into memory perhaps? 2175 21005b ld hl,5b00h ; $5b00 src image chunk 2178 010001 ld bc,0100h ; 256 byte copy (one line) 217b edb0 ldir ; copy up (de=dest) 217d 013b12 ld bc,123bh ; bitmap register 2180 ed69 out (c),l ; l=0, disable current bank and screen 2182 c9 ret BitMap: 2183 00 nop ; file is loaded into here....