- Startup and shut down crash should be fixed
- You can now use register names in the debugger evaluation ("M HL" instead of "M $1234", "BC HL" etc.)
- G
to disassemble from address - -sound to disable audio
- Timing fixed when no sound active.
- -resid to enable loading and using of the reSID DLL. Note: not working yet - feel free to try and fix it! :)
- -exit to enable "EXIT" opcode of "DD 00"
- -brk to enable "BREAK" opcode of "DD 01"
- -esc to disable ESCAPE exit key (use exit opcode, close button or ALT+F4 to exit)
- Fixed the Kempston Mouse interface, now works like the hardware.
- Next registers are now readable (as per hardware)
- local labels beginning with ! or . will now be stripped properly
- Pressing CONTROL will release the mouse
- Right shift is now also "Symbol shift"
- 3xAY audio added - many thanks to Matt Westcott (gasman) https://github.com/gasman/libayemu
- Timex Hicolour added
- Timex Hires added
- Lowest bit of BLUE can now be set
- SHIFT+ENTER will set the PC to the current "user bar" address
- Raster interrupts via Next registers $22 and $23
- MMU memory mapping via NextReg $50 to $57
- Source for ay.dll and resid.dll included (feel free to fix reSID.DLL!)
- You can now specify the window size with -w1, -w2, -w3 and -w4(default). If winow is less than 3x then the debugger is not available
- Cursor keys are now mapped to 5678 (ZX spectrum cursor)
- Backspace now maps to LeftShift+0 (delete)
- DMA now available! Simple block transfer (memory to memory, memory to port, port to memory)
- SpecDrum sample interface included. Port $ffdf takes an 8 bit signed value and is output to audio. (not really tested)
- Added the lowres demo (press 1+2 to switch demo)
- Updated Mouse demo and added Raster Interrupts
- Added DMA demo
- Added 3xAY demo by Purple Motion.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
CSpect V1.0!!
Okay, big update this one - so now declaring version 1.0! (coz why the hell not...)